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TAG Agent Profile

Redesign, UI
Winter 2022 - Early Spring 2023


When agents log in to view their accounts, they are welcomed with a not-so-pleasing view of their stats. This agent profile is used by our agents who go out in the field to sell products door to door. By giving the agent profile a fresh new redesign this will hopefully prompt them to use the platform more often to compete with their colleagues.

I was the main designer leading this redesign in Winter 2022 with a team of two software developers.

The problem

Giving the agents the ability to view their personal information, stats, and campaigns they were involved in meant redesigning the look and feel of the profile since Rehash started initially. Historically the agents should be able to glance over their personal information and stats and be able to click through each tab to further understand where they are and how they can progress as an agent within the company.


User: View stats and campaigns involved in with ease

Business: Increase engagement and retention of agents

Product: Maintain the current structure of the profile page and make minor adjustments

Providing the agents with the ability to view their stats is crucial for any sales company but it can also be complex. The most difficult part about redesigning this agent profile was addressing all the potential error states and edge cases that can occur when viewing the amount of sold products. To ensure the agents are able to view accurate stats with ease, we used clear visuals to help them understand where they are at with each tab they click on to provide clarity on where they are currently at.


Displaying the agents’ stats and showing what campaigns they are involved in can be more complex than it seems. With Rehash, the agents can click a few buttons and quickly view their stats and how many products they sold for the day, week, and month, so reimagining the flow of the stats and campaigns they are involved in may seem redundant.

Because I want to provide the agents with a redesign of the agent profile we kept some of the visuals the same and added six more tabs for the agents to navigate each tab to view other information about themselves and where they are ranked within the company. However, we thought it was crucial for the agents to quickly view their personal information and stats immediately, anytime they want.

Complex challenges like this were among several identified during the user research sessions, and validating this and other solutions before implementation was key given our timeline.

How it works

All in one report

Reorganizing the way the agents’ personal information and stats was displayed was a hassle as I had to make sure the agents can quickly view their stats and information quickly. I made it easier by displaying the personal information on the right and their total monthly sales on the left. Below that will be six tabs for the agent to click and view other information about themselves.

Campaigns tracking

This section was added to show the agents what campaigns they were currently involved in and how many products were sold for that campaign. Below are two other UI components where the agent can request to join other campaigns and view their monthly goal for that specific campaign.

Updating documents made easy

The documents tab was added to the agent profile to notify the agents what documents they are missing when being onboarded or simply updating their document

Achieving Goals & Coaching

I designed a history page if you will to give the agents an overview of how long they have been with the company and what the hire ups are saying about this particular agent.

Work experience to bring it all together

The part is to showcase the agents’ work history, experience, and skills they have achieved over time. This will allow the hiring recruiters to hire and promote internally before looking for other candidates outside of their database.


The feedback we received from participants was extremely positive, with many noting that they liked the newly designed agent profile more than before.

”I love the newly designed agent profile! It’s the breath of fresh air we all needed.” - Participant #2

Beyond a boost in positive sentiment, the hypothetical success metrics would’ve seen an increase in retention and engagement from agents as a direct result of rolling out this redesigned agent profile.